Windows Calculator Used with Malware

This just shows how attackers will utilize anything and any way possible to spread malware.

People behind the QBot malware have been utilizing the Windows Calculator to infect machines already infected with devious viruses.

Windows malware QBot, also known as Qakbot, started out as a banking Trojan, but evolved into a malware-dropper. Cobalt Strike beacons are dropped in the early phases of a ransomware campaign.

ProxyLife, a security expert, found out Qakbot has been utilizing DLL side-loading attacks against the Windows 7 Calculator software as far back as July 11th.

The most important tip to remember is to keep your PC up to date.

If you are needing help with malware issues, please give us a call at 1-800-620-5285.  Karls Technology is a nationwide computer service company with offices in many major cities.  This blog post is brought to you by our staff at the Las Vegas Computer Repair Service. If you need computer repair in Las Vegas, NV please call the local office at (702) 800-7850.

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